(ReclaimingAmerica.net) – In yet another one of the infuriating consequences of the Biden-Harris administration’s illegal immigrant invasion, Florida hospitals have spent an astonishing $566 million on uncompensated care for illegal immigrants in 2023.
As the state grapples with these costs, a heated debate ensues over healthcare expenditure and resource allocation.
Senate Bill 1718 (SB 1718) mandates that Medicaid-accepting hospitals in Florida must ask patients about their immigration status and report the data quarterly to the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA).
Critics argue that this data collection aims to show that undocumented immigrants heavily burden Florida’s healthcare system, but the truth may be more nuanced.
AHCA’s public dashboard claims a staggering $566 million was spent on uncompensated care for illegal immigrants.
However, many experts believe this figure is vastly inflated.
The actual estimated cost for the care of illegal immigrants could be as low as $21.3 million, a small amount compared to the purported figures, according to PolitiFact.
This discrepancy is due to the public dashboard bundling all hospital expenses together, without isolating the specific costs related to undocumented patients.
Most of these patients, primarily emergency room visitors, are likely covered through emergency Medicaid, federal funding, and disproportionate share hospital (DSH) payments aimed to offset these costs.
Illegal immigrants, who make up 4% of Florida’s population, are underrepresented in hospital admissions and ER visits.
Compounding the controversy, questions remain on the true impact and purpose of such laws.
Some argue that these requirements are demeaning and could lead to worse outcomes by deterring immigrants from seeking timely medical attention.
The lack of transparency and accountability in AHCA’s report has sparked calls for a correction to the dashboard’s flaws to provide a more accurate and context-rich analysis.
The new law affects more than just Florida. Texas has also introduced similar requirements.
Hospitals are directed to inform patients that their care will not be impacted by the answer to their immigration status, though these measures might still reinforce fears among immigrant communities, AP notes in a report.
Ultimately, the $566 million figure raises many questions about resource distribution and healthcare policy impacts with respect to the illegal immigrant invasion.
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