Democrats Think This Is an Omen

( – In a bizarre development indicative of a “dying man clutching onto a straw” situation, Democrats are hyping their hopes for President Joe Biden and the party’s 2024 election prospects after winning several state legislature and ballot measures lately.

According to a report by The Hill, small-scale, off-year election wins have mostly gone under the radar but have boosted Democrat “optimism” for what will likely be a 2024 rematch between Biden and his predecessor Donald Trump – despite the president’s “low approval ratings.”

The article notes that Democrats have won the most recent state races in Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, and Tennessee.

Thus, in Pennsylvania, Lindsey Powell beat local GOP chairwoman Erin Autenreith, thus guaranteeing a one-seat majority in the state House.

In New Hampshire, Hal Rafter, a Democrat, flipped a state House seat by scoring a 12-point victory in a southern district won narrowly in 2020 by then-President Trump.

In Tennessee, Aftyn Behn, a Democrat community activist, retained an East Nashville state House seat for the party after the passing of state Rep. Bill Beck (D) earlier this year.

In another leftist victory, in August, Ohio’s voters dismissed an attempt by the GOP-led state legislature to make state constitutional amendments harder. In November, the state will vote in another ballot measure on whether to enshrine abortion rights into law.

“I think it’s a reflection of the fact that Democrats have been delivering for the American people,” comments Democratic strategist Antjuan Seawright.

“These elections are a true reflection of that and at the end of the day, voters, in particular Black voters, demonstrate their trust when they cast their vote at the ballot box,” he adds.

Abhi Rohman, the communications director for the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee, insists that the abortion issue remains vital for American voters.

“What that shows you is that, first off, the issue of like abortion isn’t going away,” Rohman says.

Yet, Republican strategist Doug Heye cautioned that Democrats shouldn’t feel too complacent over recent election and ballot measure results.

“I’d caution Democrats, it’s not always a straight line… Those races often have very local issues that don’t play out necessarily in kind of the national space,” Heye said.

“[In] 2010…, Republicans took a lot of special elections on the chin, lost them, but ultimately had a very, very good year,” the GOP strategist added.